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Government Of Assam Administrative Reforms and Training

Apply for CM Award - Karmashree


  •         The Award is given for Innovation in Public Administration and Outstanding Implementation of government schemes, policies and programmes. Individual Officers as well as Groups will be eligible with no more than three officers allowed in a  group. There is a total of 12 awards under Two(2) categories and each award consists of Rupees One Lakh (Rs. 1,00,000), a trophy and a citation.


        The Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration is to acknowledge, recognize and reward the extraordinary, exemplary and innovative work done by the officers of the districts/organizations of the state government . It started since 2016-17.

Eligibility Criteria

        Selection shall be on the basis of

  • Performance in core Government activities as laid down in existing Rules/Manuals/Scheme Guidelines/Budget announcement etc.
  • Innovativeness.
  • Replicability and Sustainability.
  • Up scalability.
  • Impact on overall service delivery system performance of grievance redressal in CPGRAMS.
  • Improvement in efficiency and effectiveness in administration or governance.
  • Social, economic or other benefits from the initiative.
  • Improved transparency and objectivity in the process.
  • Inclusiveness and community participation.
  • Grievance Redressal mechanism and feedback system.
  • Quality and capability of Human Resource and mechanism of capacity building.                                                                                                             

Documents Required

        The following documents should be attached to the form prescribed in the portal.
1. Applications should contain a write-up based on common and flexible parameters on the Category 1 and Category 2- Innovation along with supporting documents like executive summary, field photographs (maximum 10), flow charts detailing uniqueness and success story of the initiative.
2. Along with the application, a short video clip of 3-5 minutes duration highlighting the initiative/ innovation may also be appended.
3. Details of the Programme/initiative, strategies adopted in implementation, period of implementation, exceptional achievements and outcomes, positive impact, replication and sustainability should be reflected in the write-up.
4. The application for award in innovation should contain the details of beneficiaries/stakeholders of the initiatives/ projects.
5. Applications with incomplete/ insufficient details shall not be considered.
6. An index should be provided for all abbreviations/acronyms used in the application and documentation.

Process Flow

        Departments/PSUs/Districts/ Organizations (applicants) may send online applications in the prescribed format as given in the guidelines of Karmashree 2023-24.

How to apply

1. Applications for the Award shall be received online in the prescribed format. All the columns of the application form must be duly filled as per the instructions contained therein.
2. The application for award in innovation should contain the details of beneficiaries/stakeholders (between 7 to 10 ) of the initiatives/projects.
3. Application with incomplete/insufficient details shall not be considered.
4. For award in innovation, the organization may be represented by the serving head of the organization or an officer nominated by him/her for receiving the award.
5. A legend should be provided for all abbreviations/acronyms used in the application and documentation.

        The Application form has to be filled properly and submitted through a Recommending Officer as given in the guidelines of Karmashree Awards 2023-24.

Type of Service

        It is an online service.

Forms to be filled

       Online Application Form: Click Here