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Government Of Assam Administrative Reforms and Training

RFD (Results Framework Document)

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES) is a system to both 'evaluate' and 'monitor' the performance of  Government departments. Under PMES each department is required to prepare a Results-Framework Document (RFD). RFD provides a summary of the most important results that a department expects to achieve during the financial year. This document has two main purposes:

  1. To shift the focus of the department from process-orientation to results-orientation
  2. To provide an objective and fair basis to evaluate department's overall performance at the end of the year.

Format of RFD

A Result framework Document (RFD) is essentially a record of understanding between a Minister representing the peoples mandate and the Secretary of a Department responsible for implementing this mandate. It should contain the  following six sections:

  1. Section 1: Department's Vision, Mission, Objectives and Functions
  2. Section 2: Inter se priorities among key objectives, success indicators and targets
  3. Section 3: Trend values of the success indicators
  4. Section 4: Description and definition of success indicators and proposed measurement methodology.
  5. Section 5: Specific performance requirements from other departments that are critical for delivering agreed results.
  6. Section 6: Outcome/Impact of activities of department/ministry.

Vision Statement

Vision is a long-term statement and typically generic and grand. Therefore a vision statement does not change from year to year unless the department is dramatically restructured and is expected to undertake very different tasks in the future. Vision should have a time horizon of 5-10 years. If it is less than that, it becomes tactical. If it has a horizon of 20+ years (say), it becomes difficult for the strategy to relate to the vision. Features of a good vision statement:

  • Easy to read and understand
  • Compact and crisp to leave something to people's imagination.
  • Gives the destination and not the road-map.
  • Is meaningful and not too open ended and far-fetched.
  • Excites people and makes them feel energized.
  • Provides a motivating force, even in hard times.
  • Is perceived as achievable and at the same time is challenging and compelling, stretching us beyond what is comfortable.

Mission Statement

We strongly recommend that mission should follow the vision. This is because the purpose of the organization could change to achieve their vision. Department's mission is the nuts and bolts of the vision. Mission is the who, what and why of your department's existence. The vision represents the big picture and the mission represents the necessary work.

Health & Family Welfare Department, for example, could include : (a) reducing the rate of infant mortality for children below five years; and (b) reducing the rate of maternity death by (30%) by the end of the development plan.


Objectives could be of two types: (a)Outcome Objectives address ends to be achieved, and  (b) Process objectives specify the means to achieve the objectives. As per as possible, the department should focus on Outcome Objectives.

Objectives  should be directly related to attainment and support of the relevant objectives stated in the Five Year Plan, Annual Plan, Flagship Schemes and relevant sector and departmental priorities and strategies, Governor's Address, the manifesto, and announcement/agenda as spelt out by the Government from time to time